During the visit, various forestry professionals visited the plots in the Montnegre-Corredor to exchange point of views on the management of mixed forests.

The group visited demonstration plots in Montnegre Corredor
On 31 May, technicians of Prosilva France visited some of the demonstration plots of the LIFE project MixForChange. During the visit, organized by the Association of Owners of Montnegre-Corredor, technicians of the Forestry Sciences Centre of Catalonia (project coordinator) also participated, which whom ProSilva France exchanged their point of view on silvicultural treatments to be implemented during the course the project.
The association is integrated within ProSilva Europe, an European organization of forestry professionals present in 24 countries defending and promoting forest management close to nature as an alternative to traditional forestry. Forest management close to nature is based on principles, techniques and actions that enable the conservation and the sustainable and multiple use of forest areas and landscapes, promoting a diversity of species and structures.
This principle of forest management in line with the objectives of the project MixForChange, has become the backbone of discussions and the exchange of perspectives between technicians. MixForChange general aim is to contribute to the adaptation of forests to climate change by promoting joint conservation and maintenance of their productive, environmental and social functions.
The field trip included some plots in Montnegre-Corredor where innovative silvicultural treatments are being conducted.
During the networking that will take place throughout the project MixForChange, it is planned to continue collaborating with ProSilva in different phases of the project.